Tag Archive for: dance fitness

I just led the most amazing crowd if only for a few minutes at a 90’s Throwback event produce by the fabulous DayBreaker. I wasn’t sure what I was getting myself into, but what it was, was SUPER positive, supportive, FUN, sweaty, LIT and I hope to get back to it again!


I had a dancer from class join me to help lead the crowd, and though it was a bit of a rocky transition when the music came on, we rocked on like champions!

Later, the mc asked me to join him in a freestyle to Poison (Bel Biv Devoe), and I was just a bit nervous to do so, because suddenly it was just the 2 of us on stage! An unrehearsed performance/freestyle, which has never been my strong suit, and in front of a crowd I did not know, to a song I hadn’t listened to for a while!

All ended well, and the crowd ate us up! I am really hoping for some video footage, and double hoping it looks good!

I gave up 2 classes to be at this event. Something I will rarely do. I happen to have amazing subs, so I was confident to leave my students in their capable hands. It’s important to get the DancePowered name out there, to get the style, the vibe, the energy of the kind of class it is out to as many people as possible. I’m glad I did it. It’s good to get out of your box every now and then. I do not regret it whatsoever!

It’s amazing to see dance continue to blossom in the states, and to have become even more accessible to people who may not dance if it weren’t for dance fitness, Zumba, or DayBreaker’s availability.

This was just one of those experiences that made me realize that dance continues to bring me opportunities, growth, strength, joy, community, power, and confidence. I am so grateful that I overcame my insecurities and fear of failing in front of other people, and pushed myself to become a dancer. It has not failed me.

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MMMMM.MMMM.MMMM. This is a recipe I actually found on YouTube from Whole Foods. They are listed as Coconut Breakfast Cookies. However, they really don’t taste much like coconut! Regardless….I love these cookies. I made a few modifications to the original list of ingredients, and cooked them a bit longer so I could feel as though […]

I cheated and used my class members to send a hello to my pals in Barcelona ; )
Thanksgiving 2016. They were more than happy to accommodate!
We had a great class before noon. It always feels amazing to dance on a holiday!

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We’re mid-Fall and I’m longing for those lovely, sunny July days and reminiscing about my favorite event, the West Seattle SummerFest! So I went looking through some of the footage one of my students took and am posting it here for you to see : )

We’re lucky enough to be a part on Sunday mornings, dancing in the streets at the main stage while passersby gather and watch us dance.

It’s the BEST feeling to watch people light up in appreciation as they watch us! All the dances are what we do in our classes. There’s no practice. I often see people I haven’t seen in months show up just to join in at the street fair.

It’s also a merge between the two studios I teach at. Community Fitness, and Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. I love how happy everyone looks!

Can’t wait for next year! Maybe you’ll join us!

[vimeo 114638204 w=500 h=258] <p><a href=”http://vimeo.com/114638204″>Burnin’ Up by Jessie J – Dance Fitness Choreography by Jennifer Cepeda</a> from <a href=”http://vimeo.com/user35524109″>jennifer cepeda</a> on <a href=”https://vimeo.com”>Vimeo</a>.</p>

Great song and fun energy. I love the challenge of this movement.